Lose fat, have more energy & crush your training….in just 42 days

Our personalised nutrition plan makes improving performance whilst losing weight easy.

Did you know you can lose fat and improve your training performance, all whilst actually enjoying the food you eat?

I know crazy right.

We are often told that you have to choose between fat loss and performance but this simply isn't the case.

See most plans will drastically cut calories just to get a result on the scale. 

This means performance takes a nose dive.

What we do is different.

Our 6-week fat loss program isn’t designed to deliver just fat loss...

It delivers a plan that will help you train better, look better and feel better without the excessive restriction.

Next intake starts on TBC


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Is this program for me?

You want to lose weight without sacrificing energy levels

You want a plan that doesn't remove all your food choices and makes you constantly hungry. 

You have cut carbs before and you really didn't enjoy this.

You want to feel stronger, more powerful and recover faster.

You are confused by all the fad diets and want something that is personalised to your situation.

You want simple foods and simple meals

Why this program?

Most fat loss programs get results but leave you exhausted, fighting cravings, and dealing with your performance taking a nosedive off a cliff.

This program is not really 6 weeks. It will deliver functional fat loss for life.

What does that mean?

Well, functional fat loss is a little different from your regular ‘get abs for summer’ fat loss.

It is about knowing what to eat based on your training times, your goals and your lifestyle.

It is about improving your relationship with food and not demonising certain food groups.

If you've jumped from diet to diet and are confused about what you're doing, read some of our reviews to see what our wonderful customers have to say.

Our approach

Nutrition is more than macros. We understand there is a huge emotional and psychological aspect and ensure this is taken into account with each plan.

We listen to you. Our plans can be customised to suit your needs. If you need flexibility that's cool, if you need something more strict, we can do this. It is about getting it right for you.

We want to educate, deliver and then empower you to take control. Evidenced-based but with practical application. It's got to be achievable!

No weird and wonderful foods and supplements. No strange protocols. Just real food to help you perform at your best.

Nutrition is a complex jigsaw. The more pieces of the puzzle you have the better your progress. We are here to help you put this together in the right order.

Is this for you?

We work with anyone wanting to be a better versions of themselves.

Performance is personal. You do not need to be an elite athlete or train 7 times a week to benefit from nutrition coaching. 

We have coaches who specialise in women's health, plant-based nutrition, disordered eating, relationship with food, functional medicine and blood testing analysis.

You do not have to do CrossFit® to work with us. We have worked with runners, triathletes, ironmen (and women), footballers, rugby players and those who simply go to the gym.

Guys, I am ready to look better, feel better and train better

Meet CJ

She decreased body by 5%, lost 4kg but saw her performance skyrocket!!

Yes you can have both weight loss and performance!

And yes this can happen in just 6 weeks.

Meet CJ

She decreased body by 5%, lost 4kg but saw her performance skyrocket!!

You can have both weight loss and performance...and yes this can happen in just 6 weeks.

So what do I actually get?

Personalised nutrition plan

We will send you a personalised nutrition plan based off your intake form with calories, macros, meal timings and a clear 6-week structure to follow. You will receive a video walking through exactly how to use the meal planner and customise the meal plan we have mapped out. No silly food lists, no generic meal plans....just simple, effective nutrition advice.

Personal Nutrition Coach

Your coach is not just someone you check in with and get generic praise from. Your coach will help you navigate obstacles that would have previously caused you to give up in frustration. Accountability is crucial to sustained success!

Huge library of recipes sorted by calories

The nutrition plan we send you has over 40 recipes that can be swapped in and out of your plan. This allows you to have variety but also removes the stress of how much you should be eating. We have vegan and vegetarian options also. 

Drip fed lessons 

The program is delivered via our coaching app with daily lessons and accountability tracker. This means you are not bombarded at the start! You get lifetimes access to all materials. We want to cut through the confusing world of nutrition, so we can empower you to take control. Knowledge is power!

Over £275 worth of resources

Access to the coaching app where we provide more guides, more downloads, and access to exclusive content.

Next intake starts on TBC


This program is NOT right for you if - 

You want to get in bodybuilder stage ready shape

You want to follow a specific diet such as keto or carnivore.

If you want a set meal plan that lays out every meal you should eat

You don't care about health or performance you just want to get shredded

However, if you want to - 

Know how to properly fuel your training without feeling bloated or heavy

Have accountability and guidance

Be educated on areas such as sleep, digestion, stress and energy levels

Lose the right type of weight and get your mojo back

Then this program is PERFECT for you! 

Next intake starts on TBC

So what is the process?

Step 1

Once signed up you will receive the nutrition guide and asked to complete an intake form.

Your coach will send through your plan, plus a video walkthrough on TBC

Step 2

On TBC, you will receive your first lesson via our app.

This is where we deliver the program to educate you on all things nutrition and provide further resources.

Step 3

Each day you will check in on the app and receive a short lesson. 

Your coach will check in twice per week providing you with personalised advice so you can see real progress!

I still want to get leaner whilst getting stronger, is this for me?

Ah the number one question we get! And the answer is….yes, this is for you. 

Your coach will set your plan up to take into account your training and lifestyle to ensure you can get stronger and leaner! 

The meal structure and timings are the key to leaning out and getting stronger. When our clients follow the timings consistently they CRUSH it! 

You may have heard that it doesn’t matter about timings etc for losing fat. This is kinda correct as your overall intake is most important. But when trying to fuel training, get lean and get strong, meal timings become very important.

This is something you can discuss with your coach to get it right.

I am vegan / vegetarian. Can I still sign up to this?

Yes absolutely. Your coach sets uo your plan based on your dietary preferences.

The principles are still the same regardless if your diet choices! And yes you can still use the plan even if you just eat one or two vegan meals a week.

How much should I expect to lose?

How much weight you will lose will depend on your starting point, how well you follow the plan amongst a number of other factors. We do focus on fat loss as a goal but we also look at non improving non scale areas such as energy levels, digestion, mood, sleep and training energy. 

It is about enjoying the process. Not making your grumpy and tired just to get a change on the scale.

I am on holiday / have a work trip / go out at weekends. Should I still sign up?

Will there ever be a time when you have a clear run of doing nothing but training, sleeping and prepping food? 

No, exactly.

And nor should there be.

If you are away for more than 2 weeks of the program then wait to the next intake. If you have the odd trip, night out, wedding, weekend away etc then thats fine. We will provide you with the information and structure to manage these situations better. This is what nutrition coaching is all about.

If your plan cannot be followed during these times, it is the wrong plan.

Does it matter what type of training I do?

You can be doing any form of training, however this is more aimed at those doing functional fitness, hybrid training (mixture of aerobic and strength), gym based training and Olympic lifting.

If you solely do spin or endurance training for example our personalised coaching or engine program may be more suited. Simply because the education part is aligned to the aforementioned modalities.

I have followed plans before and not really seen results

We can’t comment on why you haven’t made progress previously. Our plans are built on -

- Evidence based research blended with real world experience. No wishy washy advice. Just a nutrition plan that if followed WILL allow you to make progress.

- Simplicity. Yes, it will take a little setting up but the plan is built on making things simple, effective and sustainable. People can overcomplicate nutrition and this leads to either lack of progress in the short term or the inability to stick to it long term.

- Removing the decision stress. Nutrition should help you reach your goals, lessen the stress we place on our bodies through work and training and support long term health. It should not add to the stress in your life. We have laid everything out for you, provided all the tools and have an incredible community to support your every step.

- Support. Things never go 100% to plan. Having your coach there to guide you in these times and provide answers to any questions you have allows for you to make sustained progress. 

- Enjoyment. If you don’t enjoy eating the foods we suggest and following the plan then it is not right for you. We have planned it in a way that makes meal and snack times something to look forward to. 

Remember progress comes in many forms. The plan will help you to make positives changes in more areas than purely body composition.

WARNING! In 42 days time, you could be leaner, more confident and have control of your nutrition.

Or you could keep struggling through and keep making the same mistakes.

We understand...

Signing up to a plan is a big commitment.

What you need to know is that we practice what we preach.

We have been in your situation.

We are parents who struggle to find time to cook.

We are the ones getting up at 5.45am to chuck a barbell around.

We are the ones who have struggled through workouts when dieting.

We know it is hard.

We created the 6 week fat loss to solve the issue of nutrition being so damn confusing.

Let us provide you with a personalised plan, coach you through the ups and downs and educate you so you never have to diet again.

This does sound pretty good actually...

Next intake starts TBC

Still not quite sure? 

That is totally cool. Here is a little more info on why we created this program

Now the fact you have got this far down the page means you are either doing your due diligence, which is great, or you aren't quite sure if this is right for you.

The main struggles we see are - 

  • Feeling discouraged by the slow progress or plateaus in weight loss, despite putting in significant effort in training.
  • Lack of confidence in nutrition coaching or plans. You have done plans before and it hasn't worked. So why would this be different?
  • The impatience and frustration of not seeing quick results, leading to a cycle of jumping between different diets and training regimes.
  • Fear of having to track every gram of food or follow some mad rules which removes you from family meals or social situations.

We get it.

Like totally get it.

As you can see with the testimonials below, it is about creating a plan that works for you, not just shoving you through a generic course and telling you to eat less and move more.

We have a saying at pH...

"If a diet is too confusing you won't start, if it is too restrictive you won't continue"

It is so common to talk to people before they sign up and have them ask question after question on what foods they are allowed or will I have to fast...

Eye roll and sigh...

Here is the not so secret method we use -

  • We simply look at what you are currently doing and make small changes to this to bring you closer to the targets and structure we know will help you achieve your goals.
  • We hold you accountable
  • We educate you on how to make it work beyond 6 weeks.

This is honestly it. 

Making swaps, changes and tweaks to your current diet is infinitely easier than following some random new method.

Changing your body isn't easy.

But don't make it harder for yourself by doing something that isn't targetted to help you thrive long term.

Look at Hayley...

Stronger, leaner, happier, fitter, healthier...and with 2 kids.

If you want to work with a coach who listens, who creates a bespoke plan that is realistic but gets proper results then let's go.

You have invested time to get all the way down here 😂

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